La Tienda de Abarrotes Vince
Español Dos
Task : Students are to create a dialog between a local client of a neighborhood grocery store and an employee or owner of the grocery store. They are to talk about typical personal and family matters as well as achieve the daily shopping needs
for themselves and their families. They will use
pesos as their currency and all metric measurements for the items they will be buying.
You will create the dialog in the following sections:
- Character Backgrounds
You will not actually use this development per se but your character's "deep story" will help you know how to act within the dialog and about what topics you might speak.
- Small Talk
Possible small talk topics include:
- family
- activities
- trips
- weather
- health
- sports teams (America, Chivas, Pumas, etc.)
- Shopping List
- you may have your list with you during the presentation
- include food items and quantities
- feel free to disagree and substitute
- add an explanation about what you are planning to cook, even if it is an unremarkable meal
- Payment and Goodbyes
- What to do when . . . (tarea diaria)
- Día uno--la historia de los personajes (nombres, edades, personalidades, relaciones, caracteristicas fisicas, et cetera)
- Día uno--situación--(motivación, meta, objetivo)
- Día dos--dialogo; accesorios
- Día tres--conferencia con el maestro; practica y memorización; accesorios
- Día cuatro--conferencia, practica, memorización; accesorios
- Día cinco--practica final
- Día seis--presentacíon en frente la clase